By broadening its range of services, BBM 74 is giving itself the means to diversify its sources of revenue and thereby strengthen its growth potential.
By broadening its range of services, BBM 74 is giving itself the means to diversify its sources of revenue and thereby strengthen its growth potential.
Inox assisted the canton of Vaud and AlpICT in developing a study to provide clear and objective indicators of the number of training courses offered by the canton of Vaud.
To reinforce its position as an expert in high-precision turning, Lauener SA has strengthened its identity, reformulated its brand and developed a communications strategy.
The Service Intercommunal des Énergies (SIE), previously the electricity distribution network operator for western Lausanne, has decided to expand its activities to position itself as a full-service energy provider for its customers and the region. Inox Communication supported the client in this repositioning.
‘How do we assert our brand and our message to our customers and our teams?’ That's the question Luceed, a company that helps businesses with their digital transformation projects, asked us.
Groupe E and Inox Communication have created a single brand whose services are now focused on customers and their needs.
SA symbol of safety, courage and dedication, firefighters play a fundamental role in the smooth running of our societies. United by the same values and driven by similar missions, the various cantonal bodies have decided to reflect together on their positioning and their communication strategy.
A logo is an essential molecule extracted from a brand or company’s institutional DNA. Defining values, missions and objectives prior to creative developments are fundamentals required to extract the perfect, most efficient, simple and unique logo specimen.
NEW ECONOMIC MODELS REQUIRE NEW STRATEGIES Recovering waste into primary material for industry is the epitome of a revolutionary business model developed by TRS – Tyre Recycling Solutions. But be forewarned, you will be tempted to invest.
COMMUNICATING NEW BUSINESS MODELS Computerisation produces new strategies without precedents, requiring the understanding of an audience unaware of its existence.
Inox’s history is intimately connected with the world of watchmaking. True luxury lies in the perpetuity of time-honoured savoir-faire. Perseverance, precision and passion are traditional Swiss virtues we enthusiastically embrace.
MEASURED PERFORMANCE POTENTIAL Exposing a brand online is one thing. Creating an e-commerce platform is an entirely different kind of animal. Constant challenges exist from the moment a digital point-of-sale is activated through to performance measurement and analysis.
TRANSFORMING A BUSINESS’S COMMUNICATION INTO A GROUP STRATEGY By verticalising its scope of offerings, the company shifts from a construction material hauler into a global supplier of construction solutions.
With a history spanning over 125 years, BCN is the no.1 bank in the canton of Neuchâtel. By repositioning and evolving its brand identity, BCN aims to differentiate itself from its competitors thanks to an exclusive proximity-based customer experience built on 3 fundamental pillars: its Neuchâtel-based heritage, its accessibility and human touch, and its simplicity and modernness.